Adding IF condition to your cloudformation template!

In this post I am going to show how to add IF condition in your cloudformation template. The idea is to have unified cloudformation template for ELB and EC2 based healthchecks.

   "Conditions": {
      "UseELB": {
        "Fn::Not": [
                "Fn::Equals": [
                        "Fn::Select": [
                                "Ref": "LoadBalancerName"
  "HealthCheckType":  { 
            "Fn::If" : [
   "LoadBalancerNames": {
              "Fn::If" : [
                    {"Ref" : "LoadBalancerName"},
                    {"Ref" : "AWS::NoValue"}

Complete cloudformation template can be found here. The template can also be used to deploy the given application to a bunch of ec2 instances through bamboo.

Written on June 15, 2016